jump rope combos

61 Jump Rope Tricks and Combos For Beginners to Advanced - Part 1

Are you ready to learn some new jump rope skills?

Jump rope skills are not just for show. They help you build coordination, agility, and footwork. They also raise the intensity of your workouts making them even more effective.

Learning new skills can be challenging….but that’s what makes it fun! If it was easy everyone would do it, right?

Learning new skills also makes you much more aware of your form and technique, which in turn will help you perform at a much higher level over time.

So check out this video, pick a jump rope trick or two to learn and comment with which ones you chose. It’s time to spice up your workouts!

Go jump on it!

Learn Jump Rope Skill Killer Combos So You Can Jump Rope Like A Pro!

I just launched a new YouTube video that is the first in a new series called the Killer Combo Series. In this series I am going to be covering various jump rope skill combos that I use and show you how to put them together.

When I started jumping rope, videos were huge in my skill development! The only thing that I typically didn’t have access too with videos back then was slow motion. I will definitely be including slow motion in these videos so you will be able to see exactly how skills and transitions are being done.

Enough of this, go check out the first video in the series below!!!