smart goal setting

How To Make New Years Resolutions and Succeed!

If you aren’t setting goals for yourself then you’re selling yourself short. The world we live in is incredibly fast paced and if we don’t purposefully focus on growing and improving in various areas of life, we will quickly find ourselves falling behind.

The problem is most people don’t know how to set a goal properly. If you only make a statement to yourself about something that you would like to achieve, statistics show there is a high chance you will never reach it. You need to write your goal down and devise a plan in order to raise the likelihood of ever reaching it.

So how do you do that?

You do it by creating a S.M.A.R.T. Goal. This is a framework that guides you through the process of goal setting that helps set you up for success. I created a video that you can watch below that describes why making a SMART goal is so valuable and how to do it.

You can also Download this FREE PDF I created of the SMART goal framework so you can begin creating goals to crush this new year!